BURLINGTON, ON Sept. 23, 2019 – Nelson Aggregates announced today it will host an Open House at its Burlington quarry on Saturday, October 5, from 1pm to 4pm.
The Open House will feature bus tours of the quarry and interactive exhibits, including quarry machinery such as crushers, loaders, bulldozers and excavators. All are welcome, including children.
“We welcome our neighbours to visit, as well as anyone interested in how we balance the industrial process of producing limestone with the sustainability needs of the environment in which we work,” said Nelson President, Quinn Moyer.
The Mt. Nemo quarry has played an important role as Burlington’s main source of limestone for more than 50 years. Its aggregate forms the foundation of most roads, buildings and infrastructure in Burlington.
A proposal is underway to expand the quarry over the next 30 years, and to donate the rehabilitated land in parcels over that time to form the largest park in Burlington.
The proposed park would be nearly 6 times larger than Burlington’s City View Park. The size and scale of the park would allow for abundant recreational opportunities, from biking and swimming to rock climbing and soccer.
Information on the expansion plans and park proposal will be available.
To find out more go to www.mtnemoquarrypark.com
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