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Nelson Aggregates Submits Quarry Expansion Application

19 Independent Studies Confirm Expansion Meets All Environmental Standards

BURLINGTON, ON (May 14, 2020) – Nelson Aggregates announced today it has submitted its application to expand its Burlington quarry into the adjacent Burlington Springs Golf Course and a smaller parcel of land to the south.

As part of the application, 19 independent studies examining the expansion’s potential impact on all aspects of the environment, from water to noise, conclude it would meet all provincial standards and have no adverse environmental impact.

“This quarry has played an important role as Burlington’s main source of local gravel for more than 50 years,” said Quinn Moyer, President of Nelson Aggregates. “Expanding the quarry will help Burlington and Halton meet their growing needs for roads, homes and schools in an environmentally sustainable manner.”

The application includes peer reviews by leading scientists in 19 fields, including hydrogeology, air quality, natural environment, traffic and agriculture.

The studies concluded “the proposed Burlington Quarry Extension is located where policy anticipates extraction to occur; appropriately balances economic, environmental and social considerations; and represents good planning taking into account provincial, regional and municipal planning policies.”

“This is a legacy project,” said Moyer, “one that will help Burlington and Halton grow sustainably over the next generation, and then give future generations the environmental and health benefits of a large urban park.”

The proposed park would be 5.7 times larger than Burlington’s City View Park, and would be donated to the public in stages following approval. The size and scale of the park would allow for abundant recreational opportunities, from biking and swimming to rock climbing and soccer.

The process for quarry expansion applications is laid out in the Aggregate Resources of Ontario Act, Provincial Standards. The Provincial Standards contain a set of standard application criteria for licence and aggregate permits.

Study Conclusions

Agriculture – “In summary, the proposed mineral aggregate extraction on the subject lands is not anticipated to have a significant negative impact on the long-term agricultural uses and operations on the subject lands and within the primary / secondary study areas.”

– MHBC Planning

Air Quality – “With respect to health impacts [for air quality] the study determined that no significant health impacts are expected. With respect to potential nuisance impacts, the study determined that no significant nuisance impacts are expected.”

– BCX Environmental

Blasting – “We have inspected the site and reviewed the available site plans. Explotech Engineering Ltd. is of the opinion that the planned mineral extraction extension on the site can be carried out safely and within Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks guidelines as set out in NPC 119 of the By-Law.”

-Explotech Engineering

Cultural Heritage -- The area of the site proposed for aggregate extraction does not contain any built heritage resources or cultural heritage landscapes, therefore there are no direct or indirect impacts anticipated.”

-MHBC Planning

Hydrogeology – “The numerical model closely replicates the observed surface water and groundwater processes and water budget. The predicted effects of the South and West Extension have been systematically evaluated on a daily basis across a range of seasonal and inter-annual (wet and dry year) climate conditions. The predicted effects on groundwater levels are consistent with the existing quarry, and significant available groundwater resources remain through the development and closure phases. The streams and wetlands in the study area are relatively isolated from the predicted changes in the groundwater system by the low permeability Halton Till, and no measurable change will occur in the nearby wetland water budgets. The final rehabilitation plan will preserve the form and function of the upper reaches of a tributary of Willoughby Creek and the West Arm of the West Branch of Mount Nemo Creek as quarry discharge will continue.”

– Earthfx Inc.

Natural Environment – “This report and the supporting Team Reports have characterized and assessed all potential impacts on existing natural features and functions within the Study Area, and for some studies within the Subject Lands and beyond. Implementation of the recommended avoidance, mitigation and enhancement measures should ensure that no negative impacts will occur to the identified key natural heritage features or functions.”

– Savanta Inc.

Noise -- “The results of the analysis indicate that, with the benefit of noise control measures integral to the site design, the sound emissions from the site will comply with the MECP noise limits.”

– HGC Engineering

Traffic – “The roadways used to haul the material are currently utilized by the existing operation as an established haul route. As there is no change proposed to the haul route, no new impacts to the road network are anticipated.”

– Paradigm Transportation Solutions

Visual Impacts – "It is our professional opinion that if the mitigation measures identified in this report are implemented, views from roadways and receptor homes into the subject lands will be effectively screened year‐round in a way that is maintains the open landscape character, and limits visual impacts.” – MHBC Planning

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Kevin Powers




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